a comic manual for our team's mock product neuropo (from the word "neuro-cosmopolitan") for coursework


"it will be useful for everyone once it becomes more prevalent, the loss of privacy may promote a more fluid concept of the self, and encourage a more unified way of being in the world"
(poisoning a friend)(2022)
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(school project to be about food)
"I wanted to focus on the physical nature of food, which would emphasize embodiment and show the pureness of the enjoyment of food.
So I chose this tactile approach, making a zine that focuses on texture and experience.

As a narrative, it is a recipe book portraying personal rituals involving food. A pseudo-magazine that is meant to compile submissions from the public. Would sharing them as a recipe book change the nature of their comfort rituals?

I am interested in rituals because they represent the need for control in our lives, and ones individuals invent for themselves (especially in solitude) because it can be compared with the ones practiced in a larger scale like in religious, psychiatric, and social (e.g. eating etiquettes) contexts without directly addressing them. (why we hold on to certain rituals, “the cult in culture”, etc.)

The physical process also contemplates the idea of spending, or perhaps wasting time on unnecessary things, like compulsively performing the rituals while not actually believing them to have any effects, and like making the zine as a compulsion to create an objective (as in physical) substance despite knowing that it doesn’t have much practical use or goal.

I imagined it to be a more vibrant collection but I couldn't gather enough rituals in time."

(the sticker is made by thermal printing!)